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It's absolutely fantastic that you want to make a difference in your student community. You have to be the change you want to see and the bravery to stand up and make that change is something we respect and value immensely. 

It really is incredibly easy to get started and we're here to support you all the way! We've put together this quick guide of some of the first steps as a general overview.


Whether your project is big or small, starting it right and with confidence can make all the difference. Good Luck!


We look forward to hearing all about it!

You're our Hero!!!

Starting a Project?

Write it down


It may seem obvious, but you need to know exactly what it is your trying to do and why.


Talk to your Students Union/Guild or University


In all honesty, they are there to help you (it's their job) and will know the system your dealing with inside and out. There's usually a person or team who will be your point of contact, so identify who this is. You may find its a University matter not a Union/Guild one (Their overlap can get complicated).


Talk to your fellow Students


The most important thing is that what you create is something students want and will use. Understanding their ideas and needs will be a crucial part of supporting your project and keeping it going after you've graduated.


Let us know


We are a resource for you. We can put you in touch with students who have been through this process before and are all too familiar with the challenges and hurdles that seem to come from out of no-where. We are passionate to prevent other students from struggling in the same way we did and hope to support your project in any way we can. Even if you decide you don't need us, we would love to hear about and celibate your project.

What to do First





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...don't worry, it's easier than you think...

Here to Help You

You're not alone!

In all honesty, there will be hurdles! Sadly, we know them all too well and are committed to

insuring these hurdles are not a hindrance 

to the pioneers of the future (that's you).


That's why we exist.


So get in touch and we will work to support you in any way we can!



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